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My best friend

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gender, Technology, and Human Body

Technology is a great thing to us. Technology enables us to do many things that our ancestors weren't able to do such as travelling to the moon,communicating with people around the globe, or even simpler - watching TV and listening to the music via our ipod nano. However, the question is are we relying too much on technology? When it comes to issue such as reproduction, is it morally right for people to rely on technology to solve their infertility problem and to create a child with the gender and anatomy features that match their own personal preferences?

In my personal opinion, I think reproductive technology shouldn't be the only consideration for infertiled couples.First of all, babies born with gametes from an unknown parent might have physical or psychological damage during the process. Additionally, given that our world is overpopulated nowadays, there should be enough babies for each couple that wishes to become parents. Rather than creating another baby, it is better to help the world save a parentless child.

Although I am not strongly against gender selectio, I will not do that on my child. I am not a religiou person, so I would not say whether it's against or not against God's will to select the gender for our child. However, in my opinion,
a child should be our child no matter what. We shouldn't put our own personal preferences on our child. It is totally wrong to say "I want a boy or I want a girl." All people should say is "I want a child" because any child is gifted.


  1. Hi Mai,
    I liked your blog and picture very much. The picture is really cute.
    I definitely agree with your statement, “Rather than creating another baby, it is better to help the world save a parentless child.”
    I again concur when you say, “A child should be our child no matter what. We shouldn't put our own personal preferences on our child. All people should say is ’I want a child’ because any child is gifted.” Yes , as long as the child is healthy, we are blessed.

  2. hey Mai,

    I love your post. I 100 percent agree with you are child should be our child no matter what gender is. Why alter who they might become or who they are suppose to be we should allow nature to take its NATURAL course

  3. Mai,
    I completely agree with you, its like you took the words right from my brain. I posted on my blog first then started skimming through the other students blogs, i read yours and sat there in a daze, because its crazy how similar we though about this issue on reproduction technology. I believe people want to be pioneers in certain areas and its nice to be the first of something but we really dont focus on the consequences we just think of the miracle of the invention or process.
