My best friend

My best friend

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Creating a PowerPoint presentation will be an easy task if you follow the following steps:

(1) Go to START menu, select Microsoft Office PowerPoint. There will be a blank popping out with two dashed boxes that says: [Click to add title] and [Click to add subtitle]

 [Click to add title]: I usually use this one to put the key topic for my slide. To add text to it, simply double click on the box and then type in your title/topic
 [Click to add subtitle]: I use this box to list out the supporting items for my topic. To add text into this box, simply double click on the box and then type in the key points you want to present.

(2)To create another slide, all you need to do is right click on the current slide icon and select [New Slide] then follow the previous step to add text into it.

(3) To makes an interesting presentation, I always try to use transition between the slides. To use this feature, go to [Animations] on the top. There will be a list of animations that you can use to transit between each slide. Click on the animation to see how it will appear during the presentation. You can also use the animations feature for the text or picture that you want to show in the slide.

(4) The other cool feature that I always use for my presentation is Design. Go to the top page of the screen, you’ll see a [Design] option. After you click on it, there will be a list of layout for your slide. You can also customize the background of the slide by clicking [Background Styles] and then chose the one that suites your taste.

There are many other cool features that you can do to make a lively presentation. However, I think it is overwhelming to list them all out. Once you know the basis, customization won’t be difficult.

Alright, hope the information is helpful for everyone. If you find the instruction is confusing, watching the videos [PowerPoint Tutorial 1 & 2] will be helpful. I also attached another video clip, [How to make a great presentation]. This video will show you guys how to make a great presentation. This 3 minutes video will be worthwhile to watch because it’ll show you things you should and shouldn’t do for your presentation

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