My best friend

My best friend

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Creating a PowerPoint presentation will be an easy task if you follow the following steps:

(1) Go to START menu, select Microsoft Office PowerPoint. There will be a blank popping out with two dashed boxes that says: [Click to add title] and [Click to add subtitle]

 [Click to add title]: I usually use this one to put the key topic for my slide. To add text to it, simply double click on the box and then type in your title/topic
 [Click to add subtitle]: I use this box to list out the supporting items for my topic. To add text into this box, simply double click on the box and then type in the key points you want to present.

(2)To create another slide, all you need to do is right click on the current slide icon and select [New Slide] then follow the previous step to add text into it.

(3) To makes an interesting presentation, I always try to use transition between the slides. To use this feature, go to [Animations] on the top. There will be a list of animations that you can use to transit between each slide. Click on the animation to see how it will appear during the presentation. You can also use the animations feature for the text or picture that you want to show in the slide.

(4) The other cool feature that I always use for my presentation is Design. Go to the top page of the screen, you’ll see a [Design] option. After you click on it, there will be a list of layout for your slide. You can also customize the background of the slide by clicking [Background Styles] and then chose the one that suites your taste.

There are many other cool features that you can do to make a lively presentation. However, I think it is overwhelming to list them all out. Once you know the basis, customization won’t be difficult.

Alright, hope the information is helpful for everyone. If you find the instruction is confusing, watching the videos [PowerPoint Tutorial 1 & 2] will be helpful. I also attached another video clip, [How to make a great presentation]. This video will show you guys how to make a great presentation. This 3 minutes video will be worthwhile to watch because it’ll show you things you should and shouldn’t do for your presentation

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gender, Technology, and Human Body

Technology is a great thing to us. Technology enables us to do many things that our ancestors weren't able to do such as travelling to the moon,communicating with people around the globe, or even simpler - watching TV and listening to the music via our ipod nano. However, the question is are we relying too much on technology? When it comes to issue such as reproduction, is it morally right for people to rely on technology to solve their infertility problem and to create a child with the gender and anatomy features that match their own personal preferences?

In my personal opinion, I think reproductive technology shouldn't be the only consideration for infertiled couples.First of all, babies born with gametes from an unknown parent might have physical or psychological damage during the process. Additionally, given that our world is overpopulated nowadays, there should be enough babies for each couple that wishes to become parents. Rather than creating another baby, it is better to help the world save a parentless child.

Although I am not strongly against gender selectio, I will not do that on my child. I am not a religiou person, so I would not say whether it's against or not against God's will to select the gender for our child. However, in my opinion,
a child should be our child no matter what. We shouldn't put our own personal preferences on our child. It is totally wrong to say "I want a boy or I want a girl." All people should say is "I want a child" because any child is gifted.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Duy-Loan T. Le: My Role Model

Duy Loan Le came to America in 1975 when she was 12-years old. Living in a new country with no father and a family of 9, mostly women and children doesn’t stop her from working hard and striking for the best. In 1979, Duy Loan graduated from Alief Hastings High School as a Valedictorian at age 16. In 1982, Duy-Loan received her BSEE from University of Texas with High Honor and not long after, she obtained her MBA from University of Houston while working full time as a memory design engineer at Texas Instruments, a Fortune 100 company and a leader in Digital Signal Processor and Analog. In 1989, Duy Loan was promoted to design manager and to program manager in 1994. Up to this date, Duy-Loan holds 18 patents and 10 pending applications. More astonishingly, in 2002, Duy Loan is became the first Asian-American and the first woman to get elected as a TI Senior Fellow (similar to a VP position in management) and she continues to be the only female elective senior fellow working along with the other 4 male elective senior fellows at Texas Instruments. Duy Loan has been featured in IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) SPECTRUM, Asian Enterprise trade journals and numerous local and international newspapers. She also received Top 20 Houston Women in Technology Award for Year 2000 from the Association of Women in Computing.

In her speech at the 2010 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Duy Loan states that the challenge that we face nowadays at work is the collaboration across the boundary. According to her, in order to succeed in life, we must collaborate with others, but the first person we must collaborate is ourselves and the first boundary that we must cross is the person limitations that life brings us or we self-imposed sometimes. Using her personal experience, how a little 12 year old immigrant with no father, no money, no place to live, and no English speaking ability could become the first and only female senior fellow in TI, Duy-Loan wants to tell women across the globe that we should be confident to chase after our own dreams. One of her goal to close the disparity between men and women participation in technology is to have another female senior fellow in TI in the next 8 years or so.

Not only is a great contributor at TI, Duy-Loan also is a great contributor in the community. Her services to the community include:

• Director of Mona Foundation, promoting education for children and supporting social economic development in 10 countries
• Founding member & Advisory Board Director for Sunflower Mission, bringing educational assistance to children in Vietnam
• Founding member & Honorary Board Director for Science National Honor Society, promoting math and science at high schools
• Director of Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund National Board (APIASF)
• College of Engineering Foundation Advisory Council (EFAC) for The University of Texas College of Engineering
• University of Texas (UT) Commission 125 (by President invitation): shaping UT.s future for the next 25 years
• Houston Independent School District (HISD) Asian Strategic Partnership Advisory Board

Duy Loan is my role model not because she came from the same country and speaks the same native language like me, it is because of her courage and talent. She teaches me to believe in my ability and gives me the courage to strike higher in life.

Duy-Loan T. Le. Retrieved from
Mrs. Duy-Loan T. Le. Retrieved from
Who We Are: Duy-Loan T. Le. Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology. Retrieved from
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology. Podcast retrieved from

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where is the love

I like this video a lot. It reminds us hatred and discrimination are still out there. People, please love each other because "we are the world".

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Voicemail

I am thinking about customizing my voicemail, but I am not sure if I should stick to the boring, normal voicemail: "Hi, this is me, sorry I am not here to answer your call. Please leave me your name and a message and I'll call you back ASAP." Or should I try one of these funny scripted voicemail that I found online:

(1) You know what I hate about voicemail messages? They go on and on, wasting your time. I mean, all they really need to say is, "We aren't in, leave a message." That's why I've decided to keep mine simple and short. I pledge to you, my caller, that you will never have to suffer through another long answering machine message when you call me.

(2) Greetings, you have reached the Sixth Sense Detective Agency. We know how you are and what you want, so at the sound of the tone, please hang up.

(3) This is not a voicemail; this is a telepathic thought-recording device. After the tone, think about your name, your reason for calling, and a number where I can reach you and I'll think about returning your call.

Funny quote for the day

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car." Annonymous.